Thursday 28 April 2011

Patio Gazebo

Sitting outside and enjoying a patio gazebo is sure to be a favorite past time. However, you can't just stick a patio gazebo up and love it. You will want to be sure that you have the patio gazebo somewhere that you will want to be, and that you will want to spend time.

The following is five ideas of great locations for your patio gazebo; placing your gazebo in any of these places will help you enjoy, and make the most of it.

1. One of the best places to put a patio gazebo is in your garden. Putting your patio gazebo in the garden is an excellent idea for a number of reasons. Besides the actual patio, the garden is probably the most popular place that gazebos are put. It is especially popular for people that have a lovely flower garden that they love to look at and enjoy. Basically, if you want to put a patio gazebo in the garden, look for the place that you will enjoy looking at and being in the most. Remember, certain flowers attract bees, etc. so you might want a patio gazebo that has a bug screen. No matter where you put your patio gazebo, you will want to be sure that the seating is facing the direction that you want to look towards while you are sitting in your garden. You do not have to worry about finding a shady spot, etc. as that is what the patio gazebo will do for you.

2. The next most popular sport for the patio gazebo is simply to place the patio gazebo on your lawn. This is a great option if you like sitting out on the lawn, and allows for you to enjoy the outdoors regardless of whether you have outdoor furniture or not. So, why not sit on the lawn without the patio gazebo? Well a gazebo will help protect your skin from the sun; also, say you want to read a book, you can go outside and sit and read in your gazebo out on the lawn without the glare of the sun bouncing off your pages and burning your eyes. The drawn back is that you have to move the gazebo to mow the lawn.

3. Another great place to put a patio gazebo is near water. This could be a pong, a river, a lake, a stream, whatever you might have. If you have a pond, for example, on your property, you might find that having your patio gazebo out by the pond will be more than relaxing to you than having it on the actual patio. Why? Well think of it this way, having your patio gazebo near the pond means that you can sit in your gazebo, watch the frogs, turtles, and fish (or the moss, dried leaves, and debris) that are in your pond, and enjoy the serenity and peace that comes with water. The drawback is that with water come bugs, mosquitoes, etc. so choose a patio gazebo with a zipper netting that will protect you from the nuisance of such pests.

4. Obviously another great place for a patio gazebo is actually on the patio. By having your patio gazebo near the house it acts as an extension of the living space, not to mention the fact that it allows for much easier accessorizing and decorating of your patio gazebo. Many people enjoy having their patio gazebo right on the patio because it means a nice convenient place to find shade right out the door, it means you can grill on your patio and have a shaded place to sit, and a place to gather and share fun with friends. Basically, the patio is a great place for a patio gazebo.makes sense.
5. Another great place for a patio gazebo is basically any place you like to be, or want it. The beauty of patio gazebos is their versatility, they provide shade and protection from the weather, and many types even provide an element of protection from the bugs too. So, wherever you want one, put one, a patio gazebo does not have to be limited to the patio.

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